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Mental Health and Behavioral Health Blog

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio
Summertime Blues: Why It Happens And What You Can Do
Summer is often associated with carefree, happy times and a lighter mood. It is a time of more sunlight, a vacation from school, the...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio
Talking to Kids About A Serious Health Diagnosis
When a family faces a serious health issue, such as a cancer diagnosis, discussing it with children can be profoundly challenging. The...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio
EMDR Therapy: What It Is And How It Can Help
When people think of psychotherapy, they usually imagine talking with a therapist about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and...

Hellenic Therapy Center
Safeguarding Your Teen’s Mental Health Through the College Admissions Process
It’s October, and you know what that means – it’s spooky season! No, I am not referring to Halloween, although that is around the corner;...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Suicide Prevention and Pain Awareness Month
September is suicide prevention and pain awareness month. Both are very much related. Patients with chronic pain are vulnerable to...

Christina H. Chororos
Teach Children to Manage Their Inner World
I genuinely believe that we have stacked the odds against our youth. Bold statement, I know. Whether it's stressors from a "post-COVID"...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Accepting Your Child Just the Way They Are
June is typically a happy month for most of us—a time of year where all sorts of celebratory milestones are enjoyed. Our kids are out for...

Christina H. Chororos
How To Change When It Feels Impossible
As a mental health and pain management coach, I spend a lot of time talking to my clients about managing chronic pain, chronic illness,...

Christina H. Chororos, Kairos Chronic Pain Coaching
More Teens are Struggling with Eating Disorders…Thanks to the Pandemic and Social Media
Now that we’ve passed the second anniversary of the pandemic, most of us have COVID fatigue—meaning, we are exhausted from hearing about...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
I will begin by quoting an Instagram post by Justin Bieber that was directed towards Simone Biles last year. “Nobody will ever understand...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Parenting a Teen with Panic Disorder
The life of a teenager is filled with challenges and pressures – which can be complicated even more if they have panic disorder. And as a...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Parent to COVID
The pandemic has taken a toll on a scale that none of us has experienced in our lifetimes. Individuals and families have had to deal with...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
One Year After the Pandemic: Are We Experiencing Coronaphobia?
How are we doing one year after the pandemic? How have we weathered this stressful journey? In an effort to comfort and relate to one...

Maria Sikoutris Di Iorio, MA, EdS, MFT, LPC
Spring is coming … in 32 days! What a year it has been! We have been cooped up during winter Covid-19 and now the added stress of the...
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